Technical Support

Stand out from your competitors with 24/7 outsourced IT and Technical support services

Technical Support Services

Outsourced IT Support will help reduce IT costs by 25-45% and increase operational efficiency by 45-65%.

Our goal is to help you reduce costs, boost your business forward, and become your partner for customer service expertise. Outsourcing your IT support services is much more straightforward, and suits businesses that might be starting out, are passionate about growth, or just need an extra helping hand to manage their tickets, inbound email enquiries, and live chats.

Stress-free tech advice

We understand that your business is unique, operating in its own way, with its own processes and business model. With years of experience outsourcing IT services for businesses of many different shapes and sizes, we know the importance of taking the time to learn about your business in-depth, becoming almost a part of it ourselves. That way, we know that we can provide the best outsourced IT support for you to make your life genuinely easier.

How does it work?

Companies were asked what their main motivation was for outsourcing their IT and Technical support services and almost half of them, 48%, said they do so because they don’t have qualified/relevant staff.

Three in ten (30%) did so, because it delivered better results than resourcing in-house.

The same proportion outsources IT because it’s more cost effective, while 29% cite lower staff costs and 28% say it’s just a more efficient approach.

Current State Assessment

Pre-Launch Configuration

Post-Launch Hypercare

Cost Savings

SaaS IT and Technical Service Outsourcing

We offer a special package specifically designed for scaling SaaS companies – it’s where we began. For most SaaS companies, 20-40% of the tickets generated require fast, easy, and repetitive solutions, so the main issue is acquiring the time and resources to keep them under control. That’s where we come in.


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