Outsourced customer service and support to push your business forward

96% of customers feel that customer support is crucial for brand loyalty. 89% of customers express they would switch brands after an unpleasant experience.

When you’re running a business, controlling customer satisfaction is something you really don’t want to have to worry about. It can be time-consuming and overwhelming at times.

Sirius Support has the experience and a passion for supporting businesses with outstanding outsourced customer support services. Whatever your business needs, keeping customers happy and satisfied is crucial if you want to build, grow, and retain a strong customer base.

Outsourced customer support services you can rely on

It’s important to us to view our client relationships as partnerships. We’ll be here to take care of your customers while you focus on growing your business. We’ll take the time to understand what you need, whether that’s complete management of your customer support channels, or taking care of and organising smaller tickets, emails, live chats and telephone enquiries.


So many companies operate internationally but struggle with time zones and currency differences. Unlike a lot of customer support outsourcing companies out there, we’ve spent years building an international team of remote experts who are on hand 24/7 . Having a global team means that we’re able to adjust to each company wherever they are, and create unbeatable response times whenever your customers need you.

How does it work?

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%.

The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%

Current State Assessment

Pre-Launch Configuration

Post-Launch Hypercare


SaaS Customer Service Outsourcing

We offer a special package specifically designed for scaling SaaS companies – it’s where we began. For most SaaS companies, 20-40% of the tickets generated require fast, easy, and repetitive solutions, so the main issue is acquiring the time and resources to keep them under control. That’s where we come in.


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